Supreme Steels

Inconel 600

Inconel 600 - An Unconventional Alloy

Inconel 600 is also known as Nickel Alloy 600. This is an unconventional nickel-chromium alloy that is renowned for its ability to withstand oxidation at high temperatures. It is also very versatile and can be utilised in various applications and cryogenics that bring forth increased temperature of up to 1093°C. It offers many benefits for its users, thanks to its high nickel content with a blend of chromium content. Inconel 600 suppliers and Inconel 600 manufacturers are at the forefront of the industry.
The nickel content allows it to have exceptional resistance to chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking and also offers top-notch resistance to alkaline solutions. The chromium content makes the alloy resistant to sulfur compounds and different oxidizing environments. Its chromium content makes it better than commercially pure nickel under oxidizing conditions.

Features of Inconel 600:


The various forms of Inconel 600 are covered by the following standards:


Applicable Standards ASTM B166, AMS 5665, Din 17752
Carbon % 0.15
Silicon % 0.5
Manganese % 1
Sulphur % 0.015
Chromium % 14.0 – 17.0
Molybdenum %
Copper % 0.5
Nickel % 72.0 Min
Tungsten %
Hardness (BHN) 210 BHN
Density 8.47
U.T.S.(N/MM2) 655 Mpa
Yeild Strength(Mpa) 310 Mpa
Elongation 40%
Reduction Area  
Impact (Room Temperature)  
Impact (0◦ C)  
Impact (- __◦ C)