Supreme Steels

Nimonic 90

Nimonic alloy 90 - High Stress Resistance

Nimonic alloy 90 is a precipitation hardenable nickel-chromium-cobalt alloy that is made stronger by the supplementation of aluminium and titanium. This particular alloy also has a high stress rupture strength and is creep-resistant at high temperatures. Nimomic alloy 90 is generally put to the test in intensely stressful applications like high-temperature springs, turbine blades and exhaust re-heaters. India consists of a multitude of Nimonic alloy 90 suppliers and Nimonic alloy 90 manufacturers.
This alloy has a profound resistance to high-temperature erosion and oxidation. The alloy also boasts of good mechanical properties, is highly resistant to sulfide and chloride stress corrosion cracking while also being resistant to chloride ion stress corrosion cracking and aqueous corrosion. It is used in applications like hot working tools as well.

Features of Nimonic alloy 90:


The various forms of Nimonic alloy 90 are covered by the following standards: