Supreme Steels

Nitronic 50

Nitronic 50 - High-performance Steel

Nitronic 50 is a high-performance, manganese alloyed stainless steel with enhanced corrosion resistance because of augmented chromium content and the double the yield strength of the same at room temperature. Its nature is to not become magnetic when cold formed unlike some austenitic alloys. At sub-zero and increased temperature, it has good mechanical properties and is used in industrial applications. Nitronic 50 suppliers and Nitronic 50 manufacturers are aplenty, but we recommend the tried and trustworthy Supreme Engineering Limited.
This is a stainless steel that offers an amalgam of corrosion resistance and strength that is rarely seen in other commercial material available in its price range. It also has corrosion resistance that is greater than what is provided by Type 316 and 316L. And Nitronic 50 does not turn magnetic when cold worked. It is used in applications like marine and pump shafts and valves and fittings.

Features of Nitronic 50:


The various forms of Nitronic 50 are covered by the following standards: