Supreme Steels

Monel K500

Monel K500 - A Nickel-Copper Alloy

Monel alloy K500 is a nickel-copper alloy that amalgamates great corrosion resistance of Monel alloy 400 with the additional benefits of better strength. The increased properties are obtained by the addition of titanium and aluminium to the nickel-copper base and heating under administered conditions. It is used for applications like pump shafts and impellers, oil well drill collars and instruments and sensors. Supreme Engineering Limited is known for production of this alloy, among Monel K500 suppliers and Monel K500 manufacturers.
Submicroscopic particles are precipitated throughout the matrix. The thermal processing that effects precipitation is known as age hardening or aging. It is used in multiple applications like chains and cables, fasteners and springs for marine service, doctor blades and scrapers for pulp processing in paper production, non-magnetic housings, safety lifts and valves for oil and gas production.

Features of Monel K500:


The various forms of Monel K500 are covered by the following standards:


Applicable Standards ASTM B865 QQ-N-286
Carbon % 0.25 Max
Silicon % 0.50 Max
Manganese % 1.50 Max
Sulphur % 0.010 Max
Chromium %
Molybdenum %
Copper % 30
Nickel % 63
Tungsten %
Hardness (BHN) 265 BHN
Density 8.44
U.T.S.(N/MM2) 965 Mpa
Yeild Strength(Mpa) 690 Mpa
Elongation 20%
Reduction Area  
Impact (Room Temperature)  
Impact (0◦ C)  
Impact (- __◦ C)